Karen Allgire, MFA, RYT, CIYT, is an Intermediate Junior III Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher and Registered Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance. She has been teaching yoga since 1998 and has made four trips to India to study at the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute.
Karen’s teaching and practice have been profoundly influenced by Mary Dunn, and she continues to study with Dean and Rebecca Lerner and other senior Iyengar teachers including Laurie Blakeney and Manouso Manos. Karen is a Certified Yoga for Scoliosis Trainer under the tutelage of senior Iyengar teacher Elise Miller. Study of Sanskrit and chanting with Leslie Freyberg have been a special area of engagement and enjoyment.
Karen specializes in blending anatomy, imagery and philosophy to nurture transformation in our yogic practices and our lives.
Full workshop $195
Friday, July 6, 6:00-8:30pm
Vertical Extension and Horizontal Expansion
BKS Iyengar has described extension and expansion as two crucial aspects of asana practice. These concepts correspond to how we move from the head and the heart, and our relationship with ourselves and the world. We will explore these ideas through standing, reclining and inverted poses that expand the body out into space.
Saturday, July 7, 9:00-11:30am, $55
Creating Space within Compact Form
How can we also experience spaciousness when the shapes are smaller, folding into ourselves? This class will explore poses that deeply fold and curve the body, and then investigate how basic postures lead toward more intricate twists, forward extensions and arm balances.
Saturday, July 7, 1:00-3:30pm, $55
Freeing the Hips and Learning to Sit
In order to cultivate breathing practices and meditation, we need to be able to sit – upright and comfortably – for increasing durations of time. This class will begin with a variety of techniques for bringing mobility and stability to the hips. After restorative poses to quiet the nerves, we will explore reclining and seated pranayama.
Sunday, July 8, 9:00-11:30am, $55
The Joy of Backbends
Backbends are known to cultivate stamina, courage and energy. Yet when done with attention to the back body and the breath, the nerves can remain quiet for a refreshing and joyful experience in these challenging postures. Learn a variety of approaches that help make backbends calm and doable.
Urdhva Danurasana