Welcome Back, Karen!
Karen Allgire, MFA, RYT, CIYT, is an Intermediate Junior III Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher and Registered Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance. She has been teaching yoga since 1998 and has made five trips to India to study at the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute.
Karen’s teaching and practice have been profoundly influenced by Mary Dunn, and she continues to study with Dean and Rebecca Lerner and other senior Iyengar teachers. Karen is a Certified Yoga for Scoliosis Trainer under the tutelage of senior Iyengar teacher Elise Miller. Study of Sanskrit and chanting with Leslie Freyberg have been a special area of engagement and enjoyment.
Karen specializes in blending anatomy, imagery and philosophy to nurture transformation in our yogic practices and our lives.
Full Workshop $180
Friday, January 24,
6:00-8:30 pm, $50
Freeing the Hips: Balancing Stability and Mobility
In order to gain freedom of movement in the hips, we need both to stretch and strengthen, creating a balance of easy movement and firm support. In this class, we will study yoga postures that invite us to explore the full range of motion in the hips. Learn doable stages and prop uses that lead toward classical postures.
Saturday, January 25
9:00-11:30 am, $50
Gems from India
Karen will share knowledge, insights and approaches to practice learned during her recent month of study at Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute in Pune, India. We may move quickly, we may remain still. We may use many props or no props. We may use detailed anatomical instructions or vivid imagery. We may use many words or no words at all. Join us and experience the depth and breadth of Iyengar Yoga.
Saturday, January 25
1:00-3:30 pm, $50
Moving Inward through the Three Quests
Yoga provides us guidance on the journey inward through the external quest, the internal quest and the innermost quest. These three phases correspond with the kosas, the yamas and niyamas, and other philosophical concepts in yoga. We will explore seated and reclining poses leading toward pranayama as we study the three quests.
Sunday, January 26
9:00-11:30 am, $50
Movement and Stillness in Iyengar Yoga
Iyengar Yoga is known for its emphasis on alignment and long timings in the poses that allow us to penetrate and refine our experience and practice. Yet this method also utilizes movement, rhythm and jumping to bring exhilaration, stamina, energy and playfulness to our practice. We will do a wide range of pose categories as we explore the tension between movement and stillness. Alternatives to jumping will be taught for those who need them.
Urdhva Danurasana