Iyengar Yoga Workshop
Yes, indeed! Mary Obendorfer and Eddy Marks will be back for their always-great annual workshop at the Yoga Center.
This workshop is for students and teachers who are keen to elevate their understanding of asana and increase the depth and profundity of their practice and teaching.
Enroll online or in person.
Friday 6:00 - 8:00 pm - From Tamas to Rajas: science of yoga in action, all level Asana, $40
Practice waking up & keeping healthy the outer hip joint & buttock region.
Saturday 8:00 - 9:30 am Bhramari pranayama Part 1 $30
Based on Geetaji’s progressive teachings of Bhramari for 30 years, we will work sequentially through the different modes of Bhramari from beginning to intermediate and advanced.
10-12:30 PM Path of Light Part 1, all level Asana $50
1:00-3:30 PM Path of Light Part 2, all level Asana $50
Do you know what to do in every pose? Even poses you haven’t been taught? Are you sure you know why you do what you do? Do you ever wonder if you are doing the pose “right?” Wouldn’t it be nice to know for sure? Almost all of the “points” we practice are derived from basic principles . . . principles which unfortunately are not well understood. In this class we will be illuminating Guruji’s first, most important principle which leads to more than 40 other principles and is involved in the myriad of points that we regularly practice.
Knowing this foundational principle will do more than simplify, clarify and make easier your practice; it has the power to fundamentally revolutionize your practice and understanding for the better. Though I have certainly taught more ‘advanced’ classes, this class is the most important, practical and illuminating class I have ever taught. It is foundational to Iyengar Yoga.
Sunday 8:00 - 9:30 am, Bhramari pranayama Part 2, $30
Based on Geetaji’s progressive teachings of Bhramari for 30 years, we will work sequentially through the different modes of Bhramari from beginning to intermediate and advanced.
Sunday 10:00 am - 1:00 pm, Flying buttocks: “Geetaji’s Message”, all level Asana $60
Freedom of the buttock area in forward bends, balancings & body knottings. Unlock unknown tightness & hardness in the hips & buttocks. Learn to fly!
Mary Obendorfer & Eddy Marks
Mary and Eddy spent a year from 2003-2004 and another half year in 2009 studying in Pune, India with the Iyengars. They are Advanced-level Iyengar teachers certified by Mr. Iyengar to teach. They adhere strictly to his methodology and continue their education by studying in India with the Iyengars annually, as they have done for 16 years.
Together they own and direct the BKS Iyengar Yoga Center of San Diego - The first BKS Iyengar Yoga Center in Southern California (est. 1979). They conduct teacher trainings, workshops, and yoga vacations nationally & internationally. They have been instrumental in starting yoga programs in corporations through their yoga demonstrations and by providing instructors from their Teacher Training Course. They enjoy the challenge of teaching in diverse communities and are committed to sharing the intricacies and joys of yoga with all.
Mary and Eddy acknowledge the governing influence of BKS Iyengar on their practice and teaching and are grateful for his inspired teaching, for his efforts to uplift the lives of all those who came in contact with him, and for having been the superlative example of a life skillfully lived.
Mary Obendorfer
Mary is a Senior Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher at the Advanced Level and a current assessor for the National Board of Iyengar Yoga Teacher Certification. She teaches internationally and across the US, conducting teacher trainings, workshops, and yoga vacations.
Mary has been to India 16 times, including six months in 2009, and a full year in 2003, to study closely with the Iyengars at the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute in Pune. She has practiced yoga since 1981. She was one of the few people from around the world to attend the invitation only Back Bend intensive given directly by Mr. Iyengar. She also worked with Dr. Mary Schatz in India documenting the therapeutic yoga that Mr Iyengar is so famous for. She has served as president of her local association (IYASC).
Eddy Marks
Eddy is a Senior Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher at the Advanced Level, has been to India 16 times and has practiced yoga since 1976. He has also taught at the Yoga Journal & Asia Yoga conferences. He is currently an assessor for the National Board for Iyengar Yoga Teacher Certification. He has a degree from UCLA in Kinesiology (the study of human movement) and teaches anatomy & physiology for yoga practitioners. Before he moved to San Diego he was employed as an exercise physiologist and taught yoga in the cardiac rehabilitation program of the famous Pritikin Longevity Center. There with the guidance of Mr Iyengar, he was the first to introduce yoga for cardiac rehabilitation which was a great success. He has served as president of his local association (IYASC) and as a board member and archivist for the national association (IYNAUS).