YoMo stands for Yoga Practice Month (simpler than YoPraMo, right?). Many people struggle with establishing a home practice. To get us all going, the Yoga Center sponsors YoMo every January.
The idea is pretty simple. You commit to practicing some yoga every day during the month. You can practice at home, in your yoga classes, or with friends. This is a commitment to yourself—the Yoga Center and your fellow YoMo participants are there to help you. Sign up here or at the Yoga Center desk.
Watch for something special in 2017! We plan to have a couple of hours of open practice at the studio, probably on Thursday evenings, where you can come and practice, see what other people are doing, ask a teacher for help, etc. Not a class! Just a relaxed and pleasant get-together. Don't come if you like to practice in silence. There will be chitchat.